


1. Insured Object

Civil liability for damage caused to the property interests of Third parties (consumers) during the Insured's professional activity, specifically the expenses incurred or that must be incurred by the Third party (consumer) to restore the architectural object damaged due to the Insured's improper performance of work (services).


2. Insurance Risks and Insurance Limitations

Material damage to Third parties during the course of professional activity.  

Insurance limitations – none.


3. Minimum and Maximum Insurance Sum (Liability Limit)

Minimum insurance sum – 150,000 UAH  

Maximum insurance sum – 6,000,000 UAH


4. Minimum and Maximum Insurance Premium and/or Insurance Rate

Minimum insurance premium – 600 UAH  

Maximum insurance premium – 13,100 UAH


5. Type, Minimum, and Maximum Deductible

Deductible: unconditional.  

Minimum deductible – 5%  

Maximum deductible – 5%


6. Territory and Duration of the Insurance Contract (including information on when it comes into force and the insurance period(s))

Territory of coverage: Ukraine (excluding active combat zones and territories temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation as defined by the Order of the Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories No. 309 of December 22, 2022, "On Approval of the List of Territories where Hostilities are (were) Conducted or Temporarily Occupied by the Russian Federation" or any amendments to it, as well as within 50 km of these territories), combat zones, areas of civil unrest, and areas with restricted access (entry/stay/exit regime).  

The contract is concluded for a period of up to 1 year (inclusive).  

The contract comes into force on the date specified in the contract, but not earlier than the receipt of the insurance premium in the Insurer's current account.  

Extension of the Contract period is not possible.


7. Exclusions from Insurance Events and Grounds for Denial of Insurance Payments

7.1. The following do not constitute insurance events, and insurance compensation is not paid if claims for compensation for damages arise that are a direct or indirect consequence of:

7.1.1. War, invasion, hostile acts or military operations (whether war is declared or not), civil war.

7.1.2. Insurrection, military or popular uprising, riot, revolution, strikes, civil unrest, seizure of power, imposition of military authority or martial law or state of siege, or any event or cause resulting in the declaration of martial law or state of siege.

7.1.3. Terrorist acts. A terrorist act is understood as an act that includes, but is not limited to, the use of force or violence and/or the threat to use force or violence by any person or group of persons acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organization(s) or authority(ies), carried out for political, religious, ideological, or similar reasons or purposes, including the intention to influence any authority and/or cause fear in the public or any part of the public. This exclusion also excludes damage, destruction, costs, and expenses of any kind directly or indirectly caused by, arising from, or related to any action taken to control, prevent, suppress, or otherwise respond to a terrorist act.

7.1.4. Destruction or damage to property by order of military or civil authorities.

7.1.5. Direct or indirect influence of nuclear energy in any form, ionizing radiation, electromagnetic fields, or electromagnetic interaction.

7.1.6. Radioactive, chemical, biological, or toxic contamination or pollution, use of explosives.

7.1.7. The action of any military weapon using atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other similar reactions or radioactive forces or materials.

7.1.8. Decrease in functionality, damage caused by alteration, loss: of computer systems, programs, software, data, information archives, microchips, integrated circuits, or other similar devices of computer hardware or other equipment.

7.1.9. Circumstances that the Insured knew or should have known but did not take all possible measures to prevent the insured event.

7.1.10. Non-compliance by the Insured with the provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine, departmental or production regulations, instructions (directions) of state authorities, the violation of which led to the occurrence of the insured event or was qualified as a criminal offense that led to the insured event.

7.2. The Insurer does not compensate losses caused by a professional error (omission) made by the Insured:

7.2.1. Before the start or after the end of the contract.

7.2.2. Without the existence (or after the cancellation) of the relevant qualification certificate.

7.2.3. In relation to the provision of services by the Insured to a relative or other family member.

7.3. The Insurer does not compensate for damage to the property interests of Third parties resulting from:

7.3.1. Natural disasters, namely: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or underground fire, landslides, mountain landslides.

7.3.2. Exceeding or non-compliance with the deadlines for construction and installation and/or commissioning works, material consumption standards, estimated costs, violation of labor protection requirements and copyright, issuing a license, mediation in monetary, credit, land, and other transactions, payment operations of any kind, cash operations, and embezzlement.

7.3.3. Unfair competition, violations of patent or copyright law.

7.3.4. Claims for compensation for damage made by any person (organization) or against any person (organization): Directly or indirectly controlled or managed by the Insured. Which directly or indirectly controls the Insured or manages it. With whom the Insured is a partner.

7.3.5. Non-fulfillment of their obligations by the Insured's Counterparties.

7.3.6. Violation by responsible persons of the consumer of the Insured's services of norms and rules, instructions, regulations of organization, conduct, and acceptance of construction and installation and commissioning works.

7.3.7. Violation by responsible persons of the consumer of the Insured's services of norms and rules, instructions, regulations on the operation and maintenance of designed objects.

7.3.8. Deliberate actions by a Third party or collusion between them and the Insured.

7.3.9. Deliberate actions by the Insured.

7.3.10. Actions or inactions of a trainee or other unqualified person substituting for the Insured and performing their functions during their absence due to the Insured's inability to fulfill their duties.

7.4. Insurance events do not include any claims for:

7.4.1. Compensation for damage to the property interests of a Third party with whom the Insured has no legal relationship establishing the obligation of the Insured to provide professional design services to this Third party.

7.4.2. Compensation for damage associated with unlawful actions or inaction by state authorities and local governments, including due to the issuance of unlawful regulatory acts.

7.4.3. Compensation for damage associated with the Insured's extension of their own liability limits or acceptance of obligations of another person.

7.4.4. Compensation for moral damage and indirect losses of any kind, including lost profits.

7.4.5. Compensation for any penalties, fines, or forfeits imposed on the Insured.

7.4.6. Compensation for losses directly resulting from events that occurred before the contract was concluded, and/or about which the Insured or their authorized persons were aware before the contract took effect.

7.4.7. Compensation for losses whose cause is not established (when the location, time, or cause of the damage is unknown).

7.5. The Insured acknowledged their obligation to compensate for damage caused to third parties without the Insurer's consent.

7.6. Other cases provided by law.


8. Insurer's Liability Limits for Individual Insured Object, Insurance Risk, and/or Insurance Event, Group of Insurance Risks and/or Insurance Events, and Other Insurance Product Components



9. Procedure for Calculation and Conditions for Insurance Payments

9.1. Within 30 (thirty) working days from the receipt of all necessary documents and information about the circumstances of the occurrence of the insured event according to section 6, the Insurer makes a decision on the payment of insurance compensation and draws up the relevant insurance act or makes a decision to refuse to pay insurance compensation.

9.2. If a decision is made to pay insurance compensation, the payment is made within 5 (five) working days from the date of the insurance act.

9.3. If a decision is made to refuse the payment of insurance compensation, the Insurer, within 5 (five) working days from the date of such decision, informs the Insured and the Third party in writing with the reasons for the refusal.

9.4. The amount of damages is determined by the Insurer according to the law and the contract's terms based on documents received from the Insured, local authorities, law enforcement, financial, tax authorities, banking institutions, courts, expert opinions, and research results of specialized institutions.

9.5. The amount of damage caused by the Insured is determined according to a court decision if the Insured was found guilty of causing damage, based on the amount collected from the Insured, taking into account the terms of this contract.

9.6. The Insurer makes insurance compensation payments within the insurance sum specified in the contract.

9.6.1. The Insurer does not compensate the Insured's expenses incurred in presenting and considering claims from Third parties.

9.6.2. If the amount of damages to be paid according to a court decision exceeds the insurance sum, insurance compensation is paid proportionally to all affected Third parties.

9.7. If the damages caused by the Insured due to the occurrence of the insured event are related to the fault of other persons who are not Parties to the contract, then, according to Ukrainian law, the Insurer has the right to claim from the guilty persons the amount of the insurance compensation paid. To enable the Insurer to exercise this right, the Insured, before making the insurance compensation payment, must transfer to the Insurer all documents and evidence they have and take the necessary actions to allow the Insurer to exercise their right to claim.

9.8. After the payment of insurance compensation, the insurance sum is considered reduced by the amount of the compensation paid.

9.9. If at the time of the insured event, the Insured had insurance contracts concerning the subject of this contract for similar risks with several insurers, the Insurer pays compensation in the proportion not covered by other contracts.

9.10. The Insured is obligated not to allow the limitation of the right of recourse. If it is found that the exercise of the right of recourse is impossible or limited due to the deliberate actions of the Insured, the Insurer is relieved of the obligation to pay insurance compensation, and if the payment has already been made, the Insured is obliged to return the compensation to the Insurer within 30 days from the date the Insurer's claim was sent to the Insured.


10. Possible Consequences for the Consumer in Case of Non-fulfillment of Obligations Defined by the Insurance Contract, Including Late Notification of Insurance Event without Valid Reasons and Late Payment of the Insurance Premium or Its Next Installment

Denial of insurance compensation.


11. Information on the Possibility to Purchase the Insurance Product Separately if Such a Product is Offered Together with an Accompanying and/or Additional Product, Service, or Work Not Related to Insurance, as Part of a Package or Contract

The product is not offered together with any accompanying and/or additional product, service, or work not related to insurance as part of a package or contract.


12. Conditions for Obtaining a Discount on the Insurance Product and Promotional Offers, Including Their Duration

No discounts on the product. 

No promotional offers.


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