Accidents insurance

  • The insured can be between 3–65 years old
  • Insurance coverage from UAH 3 000 to UAH 150 000
  • Periods of coverage spanning from 1 day to 1 year
  • Coverage available for athletes


Accident insurance Standard – protection against injuries, burns and other dangers to health and life. Euroins will take care of you and your family, compensating the costs of treatment and rehabilitation, will help you cope with an unplanned loss of income.

What conditions are provided by the insurance program?

  • Payment in case of injury, burn, poisoning and other accidents.
  • Compensation for loss of labor income in case of persistent / long-term loss of working capacity due to an insured event.
  • You can insure for an amount from 3,000 to 150,000 UAH.
  • The policy can be valid both 24 hours a day and during professional activity.
  • You can insure for the time of amateur sports and active recreation.
  • Suitable for professional athletes and anyone whose profession is associated with increased risk.

Why should you buy accident insurance Standard?

  • Reliable protection against most sudden health problems.
  • Euroins is one of the most solvent companies on the insurance market of Ukraine.
  • Special discounts are available when insuring groups of 10 or more people.
  • You can pay for the policy in two installments without increasing the cost.




Death of the insured

Loss of working capacity



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