1. Insured Object
The insured objects are:
Block I (Accident Insurance): Life, health, and working capacity of the Driver and/or Passenger(s) who were in the Insured Vehicle at the time of the insured event (road traffic accident (hereinafter referred to as the "RTA")).
Block II (Additional Civil Liability): Civil liability for damage caused to the life, health, and/or property of third parties due to an RTA involving the Insured Vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the "Insured Vehicle").
2. Insurance Risks and Limitations
Block I (Accident Insurance): Health impairment and/or death of the Insured Person, which have the characteristics of an accident and the probability of occurrence.
Block II (Additional Civil Liability): The occurrence of civil liability of the Policyholder/the Person whose liability is insured for the damage caused by the insured vehicle to the life, health, and/or property of third parties due to a road traffic accident involving the insured vehicle.
Insurance Limitations: None.
3. Minimum and Maximum Insurance Amount (Liability Limit)
Minimum Insurance Amount: 50,000 UAH
Maximum Insurance Amount: 450,000 UAH
4. Minimum and Maximum Insurance Premium and/or Insurance Rate
Minimum Insurance Premium: 150 UAH
Maximum Insurance Premium: 820 UAH
5. Type, Minimum, and Maximum Deductible
Not applicable.
6. Territory and Duration of the Insurance Contract (Including Information on the Effective Date and Insurance Period(s))
Territory of Coverage: Ukraine (except for areas of active hostilities and territories temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation, as defined by the Order of the Ministry for Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories No. 309 dated December 22, 2022, "On Approval of the List of Territories Where Hostilities Are (Were) Conducted or Temporarily Occupied by the Russian Federation" or any amendments thereto, as well as within 50 km of these territories), areas of combat zones, civil unrest, and areas with special access control regimes (entry/stay/exit).
Contract Duration: Up to 6 months (inclusive).
Contract Effective Date: The contract becomes effective on the date specified in the contract, but not earlier than the receipt of the insurance premium by the Insurer's account.
Contract Renewal: Not possible.
7. Exclusions from Insurance Events and Grounds for Refusal of Insurance Payments
7.1. Insurance events do not include and insurance indemnity is not paid if the damage caused to the Insured or Third Parties is related to an event that:
7.1.1. Occurred before the contract's effective date or after its expiration.
7.1.2. Occurred outside the specified territory of the contract.
7.2. For Block I (Accident Insurance): Insurance events do not include and insurance payments are not made if the accident occurred due to or during:
7.2.1. Events that occurred outside the Insured Vehicle, as well as during being in the Insured Vehicle but in situations that do not relate to the insurance risk defined in the contract.
7.2.2. Driving the Insured Vehicle by a person who does not have a driver's license (driver's license of the appropriate category) or who is not authorized to drive this vehicle.
7.2.3. Suicide or attempted suicide, except in cases where the Passenger and/or Driver were driven to this state by unlawful actions of third parties during driving or being in the Insured Vehicle. Such actions by the Passenger and/or Driver are recognized only on the basis of a decision by competent authorities proving the act.
7.2.4. Exceeding the number of passengers over the number of seats specified in the technical characteristics (specification) of the Insured Vehicle, taking into account the current legislation regarding passenger transportation.
7.2.5. Disobedience to authorities (fleeing the scene of an accident, being pursued by law enforcement officers), gross violation of traffic rules. In this case, insurance payment is not made to persons involved in the actions defined in this clause.
7.2.6. Use of the Insured Vehicle for educational purposes; participation in sports competitions, speed tests, reliability trials; renting out the Insured Vehicle unless otherwise provided by the contract.
7.2.7. Transporting or towing any cargo or vehicle exceeding the weight limit designated for the Insured Vehicle.
7.2.8. Explosion caused by the transportation, storage of ammunition, or explosives.
7.2.9. Violation of fire safety rules; loading, unloading, transporting, or storing flammable, highly flammable, and explosive substances in a vehicle not adapted for this purpose.
7.2.10. Driving the Insured Vehicle by the Driver while intoxicated (including under the influence of substances for intoxication) or under the influence of narcotic or toxic substances, as well as the transfer of control of the Insured Vehicle to a person who is intoxicated with alcohol, narcotic, or toxic substances.
7.2.11. Passenger and/or Driver committing any actions while intoxicated (including under the influence of substances for intoxication) or under the influence of narcotic or toxic substances.
7.2.12. Passenger committing criminal actions against the life and health of the Driver and/or other passengers or with the intent to unlawfully seize the Insured Vehicle or property within it.
7.2.13. Operation of the Insured Vehicle in an emergency or known technically faulty condition.
7.2.14. Driver and/or Passenger performing work under hazardous labor conditions, including under an employment contract.
7.2.15. Deliberate presence in places known to be lifethreatening (places where explosive works are carried out, military ranges, shooting ranges, etc.).
7.3. For Block II (Additional Civil Liability): The Insurer does not compensate for damage caused:
7.3.1. During the operation of the insured vehicle but for which no civil liability arises under the current legislation of Ukraine.
7.3.2. To the Insured Vehicle that caused the RTA.
7.3.3. To the life and health of the Policyholder.
7.3.4. To the life and health of passengers who were in the insured vehicle and who are insured under Article 7, Clause 6 of the Law of Ukraine "On Insurance" (mandatory personal accident insurance for passengers in transport).
7.3.5. To property located in/on the insured vehicle that caused the RTA.
7.3.6. During the use of the insured vehicle during training (learning) trips, participation in sports competitions, tests of operational and/or technical characteristics (including "test drives"), auto shows unless otherwise provided by the contract.
7.3.7. During the operation of the vehicle for commercial passenger transport (taxi, route taxi).
7.4. A vehicle is considered to be used as a taxi, regardless of whether the relevant license and license card for the vehicle are issued, if, according to photographs, witness statements, or the results of an inspection of the vehicle conducted by representatives of competent authorities or representatives of the Insurer, it had at least one of the characteristic features of a taxi, namely:
7.4.1. The vehicle is equipped with a recognizable lantern of any color installed on the roof of the car (or such a lantern was in the vehicle).
7.4.2. The vehicle is equipped with a working (or nonworking) taximeter.
7.4.3. The vehicle is equipped with a signaling lantern with green or red light located in the upper right corner of the windshield (or such a lantern was in the vehicle).
7.4.4. The vehicle is (was) part of the information support system of a taxi service.
7.4.5. The vehicle has checkerboard patterns applied to the doors or other parts of the vehicle.
7.4.6. The vehicle has images of telephone numbers, names, or logos of taxi dispatch services.
7.4.7. The vehicle is equipped with radio communication equipment (radio, antenna, etc.), whether functional or not, except in cases where such radio communication equipment was in the insured vehicle at the time of signing the insurance contract, as indicated in the Vehicle Technical Condition Description and verified by the Insurer's representative to ensure that they are not used for taxi purposes.
7.4.8. The vehicle is used to provide passenger transport services and their luggage individually for a fee.
7.5. The Insurer does not compensate for damage caused to the life, health, and/or property of injured third parties in amounts compensated according to the Law of Ukraine "On Mandatory Civil Liability Insurance of Owners of Land Vehicles" (if the insured vehicle is subject to mandatory civil liability insurance under Ukrainian law).
7.6. The Insurer does not compensate for indirect losses, including but not limited to fines, penalties, and other charges; damage to the environment.
7.7. For Block II (Additional Civil Liability): The liability of the Policyholder (driver of the insured vehicle) for damage caused to third parties resulting from an RTA is not covered if:
7.7.1. The Policyholder (driver of the insured vehicle) and/or the injured third party were driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, toxic substances, or other intoxication or under the influence of medication contraindicated (prohibited) while driving a vehicle.
7.7.2. The Policyholder (driver of the insured vehicle) and/or the injured third party were driving without a valid driver's license for the appropriate category.
7.7.3. The Policyholder (driver of the insured vehicle) and/or the injured third party left the scene of the accident or avoided undergoing a medical examination to determine alcohol, drug, or other intoxication or the influence of medications that impair attention and reaction speed.
7.7.4. The RTA was determined to be the direct result of the insured vehicle's noncompliance with the technical condition and equipment requirements of traffic rules.
7.7.5. The driver of the insured vehicle violated established rules for transporting passengers and/or transporting another vehicle and/or any cargo whose weight exceeds the limit defined for the insured vehicle by the operating manual of the insured vehicle or the technical specifications of the vehicle's manufacturer.
7.8. The Insurer is not liable if the insurance event occurred:
7.8.1. As a result of the impact of nuclear energy, ionizing radiation, chemical, or bacteriological contamination of the area.
7.8.2. As a result of and/or during any military actions (including the use of explosive devices or firearms), changes in the militarypolitical situation, the threat of military force, military conflicts, armed conflicts, local wars, regional wars, invasion of troops, uprisings, civil disturbances, strikes, riots, lockouts, revolts, coups, revolutions, terrorism, or any other actions motivated by political reasons, confiscation, forced seizure, requisition, or damage by the order of the existing government or any government authority, as well as arrest or other seizure carried out by law enforcement or other authorized bodies (customs, border, or other), the introduction of a state of emergency or special regime, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract.
7.8.3. As a result of and/or during any actions or activities recognized as a terrorist act by the law enforcement authority of the country or territory where such actions or activities took place, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract.
7.8.4. As a result of and/or during the use of any biological, chemical weapons, nuclear weapons, or other nuclear devices, weapons of mass destruction, which are released from artillery or other military weapons, or which are dropped from an aircraft/ship, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract.
7.9. For the purposes of the contract, "terrorism" means:
7.9.1. Socially dangerous activities involving the deliberate, targeted use of violence through hostagetaking, arson, murder, torture, intimidation of the population and authorities, or other attacks on the lives or health of innocent people, or threats to commit criminal acts to achieve criminal goals.
7.9.2. Any action by any person(s) acting independently or on behalf of or in connection with any group or organization that aims to overthrow, pressure, or influence the policies of the government de jure or de facto or a government authority or local government authority through the use of force or violence.
7.9.3. The use of any biological, chemical weapons, nuclear weapons, or other nuclear devices, or explosive substances or firearms or any destructive mechanisms, or any actions to endanger the safety or property of one or more persons, whether directly or indirectly related to the insured person.
7.9.4. Any actions or activities defined as a terrorist act by the law enforcement authority of the country or territory where such actions or activities took place.
7.10. The Insurer is not liable for adverse consequences of diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive measures (including drug injections) related to the treatment carried out to eliminate the consequences of an insured event that occurred during the contract period.
7.11. The insurance contract does not cover the territory of Ukraine, the status of which, according to Ukrainian legislation, is established as "temporarily occupied," the territory of combat zones, civil disturbances, as well as territories where a special access control regime (entry/stay/exit regime) is established, including (but not limited to) construction sites, airports, seaports, military units.
7.12. Sanction Limitations and Exclusion Clause:
According to this clause, no insurer provides coverage, and no insurer is liable for payment of any damage or compensation if, by providing such coverage, paying such damage, or providing such compensation, the insurer may be subject to any sanctions, prohibitions, or restrictions under United Nations Resolutions or trade and economic sanctions under any laws or regulations related to national and international trade and economic sanctions.
8. Insurer's Liability Limits for Individual Insured Objects, Insurance Risks, and/or Insurance Events, Groups of Insurance Risks and/or Insurance Events, Other Components of the Insurance Product
Not applicable.
9. Procedure for Calculating and Conditions for Making Insurance Payments
9.1. In the event of an incident that has the characteristics of an insurance event, based on a claim for insurance payment from the Policyholder and/or Third Parties, the Insurer makes a decision on making or refusing the insurance compensation payment within 10 working days from the date of receipt of all necessary documents specified in the contract by drawing up an insurance act or an act of refusal of insurance payment accordingly.
9.2. If a decision is made to pay the insurance compensation, the payment is made:
For Block I (Accident Insurance): To the Driver and/or Passengers within 5 working days from the date of signing the insurance act.
For Block II (Additional Civil Liability): To injured third parties within 90 calendar days from the date of receipt of the claim for insurance compensation. The date of the insurance compensation payment is the date the funds are debited from the Insurer's account.
9.3. If a decision is made to refuse the insurance compensation payment, the Insurer informs the Policyholder or the injured Third Party in writing with justification for the refusal within 10 working days from the date of making such a decision.
9.4. To make a decision on the payment or refusal of insurance payment, the Insurer may conduct additional examinations, make official inquiries to competent authorities to determine the causes and circumstances of the insured event, etc. In this case, the period for making a decision on the payment or refusal of insurance payment is extended for the period of waiting for information from the competent authorities.
9.5. If the Policyholder, with the written consent of the Insurer, independently compensates the damage caused to injured third parties, the Insurer compensates such expenses directly to the Policyholder, provided that they provide a properly executed waiver by the injured third party of claims against the Policyholder and the Insurer. If the Policyholder made such expenses without prior agreement with the Insurer, the Insurer has the right to refuse compensation for such expenses.
For Block I (Accident Insurance):
9.6. In the event of the death of the Driver and/or Passenger who were in the Insured Vehicle as a result of an accident, the insurance payment amounts to 100% of the insurance sum, taking into account the terms of the contract.
9.7. In the event of a permanent loss of working capacity of the Driver and/or Passenger who were in the Insured Vehicle, the establishment of I, II, III disability groups (including a change in the disability group to a higher one, if provided for by the insurance contract) as a result of an accident that occurred during the insurance contract period, the insurance payment amounts to:
9.7.1. For the establishment of Group I disability – 100% of the liability limit specified in the contract conditions.
9.7.2. For the establishment of Group II disability – 80% of the liability limit specified in the contract conditions.
9.7.3. For the establishment of Group III disability – 60% of the liability limit specified in the contract conditions.
9.8. In the event of temporary incapacity for work by the Driver and/or Passenger who were in the Insured Vehicle (temporary health impairment in nonworking citizens and children) as a result of an accident, the Insurer pays insurance compensation in the amount of 0.3% of the liability limit per affected Driver and/or each affected Passenger for each day from the 9th day of incapacity (temporary health impairment).
9.9. If an accident resulted in the temporary incapacity for work by the Driver and/or Passenger who were in the Insured Vehicle, and an insurance payment was made, and subsequently, due to the same accident within 6 calendar months from the date of its occurrence, the Driver and/or Passenger was established as having permanent incapacity (establishment of I, II, III disability groups, including a change in the disability group to a higher one) or their death occurred, the insurance payment is made in the amount provided for by the contract conditions, but the total amount of insurance payments cannot exceed the liability limit specified in the contract for the affected Driver and each affected Passenger.
For Block II (Additional Civil Liability):
9.10. Insurance compensation in the event of harm to the life and/or health of injured third parties is calculated based on reasonable expenses (must be documented by the relevant competent authorities, work completion certificates, invoices, receipts, etc.) related to the delivery, placement, maintenance, diagnosis, treatment, prosthetics, and rehabilitation of the injured person in a relevant healthcare institution, medical care, home treatment, and the purchase of medicines, funeral expenses (in case of the death of the injured third party), but not more than:
9.10.1. 50% of the liability limit specified in the contract conditions – in the case of treatment (temporary incapacity) of the injured third party.
9.10.2. 100% of the liability limit specified in the contract conditions – in the case of the death or establishment of Group I disability of the injured third party.
9.10.3. 80% of the liability limit specified in the contract conditions – in the case of the establishment of Group II disability for the injured third party.
9.10.4. 60% of the liability limit specified in the contract conditions – in the case of the establishment of Group III disability for the injured third party.
9.10.5. 90% of the liability limit specified in the contract conditions – in the case of the recognition of a minor (young child) as a disabled child.
9.11. Insurance compensation in the event of damage to the property of injured third parties is calculated based on the amount of expenses related to:
9.11.1. Damage or physical destruction of a vehicle or other property.
9.11.2. Carrying out necessary and reasonable measures to prevent or reduce the amount of damage, but not more than 2,000 UAH.
9.11.3. Evacuation of the vehicle from the accident site to the residence of the owner or legal user (driver) of the vehicle who was driving the vehicle at the time of the accident, or to the place of repair within Ukraine, but not more than 2,000 UAH.
9.11.4. Keeping the vehicle in a guarded parking lot if it is necessary to place the damaged vehicle of the injured third party in a parking lot for valid reasons, but not more than 500 UAH.
9.12. In connection with the damage to the vehicle, expenses related to the restoration of the vehicle, taking into account wear and tear, are reimbursed. The insurance compensation payment in connection with the damage to the insured vehicle is made based on the calculation (estimate) conducted by the Insurer, excluding the amount of VAT. Subsequently, after providing documents for the payment of spare parts and/or restoration (repair) work (work completion certificates, work orders, fiscal documents for payment) at an STO that is a VAT payer, VAT is reimbursed to the Policyholder or the Third Party within the amount of the estimate conducted by the Insurer and the payment documents. If the damaged property is a vehicle considered to be physically destroyed, its owner is reimbursed for the difference between the value of the vehicle before and after the accident. A vehicle is considered physically destroyed if its repair is technically impossible or economically unjustified. Repair is considered economically unjustified if, based on the calculation (estimate) conducted by the Insurer or the evaluation conclusion made by an appraiser or expert under the law, the cost of restoration work on the vehicle exceeds its value before the accident.
9.13. The Insurer has the right to make an insurance compensation payment directly to the injured third party or to enterprises, institutions, and organizations that provide services for the repair of damaged property, treatment of injured third parties, and other services related to compensation for damage, agreed upon with them.
9.14. In the event of harm to the life or health of an injured third party, the insurance compensation payment within one insurance case is made for the final consequences of the RTA without taking into account intermediate consequences (when a disability group is established for the injured third party due to an RTA, a payment for temporary incapacity that preceded the establishment of the disability group is not made). If a more severe degree of permanent incapacity is established within 12 months from the date of the RTA, the Insurer makes a payment for the difference between the amount of insurance compensation that was paid for establishing a less severe degree of disability and the amount to be paid for establishing a more severe degree of disability under the contract conditions. In case of the death of the injured third party, the heirs are paid the remaining insurance compensation, which constitutes the difference between the liability limit specified in the contract and the amount of insurance compensation already paid for this insurance case.
9.15. If several persons (the driver of the insured vehicle and the drivers of other vehicles) are responsible for causing indivisible damage through related, combined actions, the amount of insurance compensation paid under the contract is determined by dividing the amount of damage caused by the number of such persons.
9.16. If one insurance event caused damage to several injured third parties and the total amount of damage caused by the Policyholder exceeds the insurance sum (liability limit) specified in the contract, the insurance compensation payment is made proportionally, in which the amount of damage caused to each injured third party is related to the total amount of damage caused.
9.17. The Insurer pays insurance compensation within the insurance sum (compensation limit), deducting the deductible specified in the contract.
9.18. In any case, the total amount of insurance compensation for one or several insurance cases cannot exceed the corresponding insurance sum (liability limit of the Insurer) under the contract.
9.19. The Policyholder (or the injured third party who received insurance compensation) must return within 30 calendar days to the Insurer the received insurance compensation (or its appropriate part) and reimburse the Insurer's expenses related to the settlement of the loss if, under the current legislation of Ukraine, contract conditions, the Policyholder or the injured third party who received insurance compensation is fully or partially deprived of the right to receive it and reimburse the Insurer's expenses for conducting medical or other examinations aimed at determining the amount of damage caused.
9.20. If the injured third party received compensation for damages from the person responsible for the damage caused, that person has no right to claim insurance compensation from the Insurer.
9.21. Only direct damage caused to the Policyholder's property interests as a result of an insurance event is subject to insurance compensation, and any indirect damage or expenses, such as lost profits, moral damage, fines, penalties, other charges, rental costs, travel expenses, hotel accommodation, etc., are not included.
10. Possible Consequences for the Consumer in Case of Failure to Fulfill Obligations Defined in the Insurance Contract, Including Late Notification of Insurance Event Without Valid Reasons and Late Payment of the Insurance Premium or Its Subsequent Part
Refusal to pay insurance compensation.
11. Information on the Possibility of Purchasing the Insurance Product Separately, If Such a Product Is Offered Along with an Accompanying and/or Additional Product, Work, or Service That Is Not Insurance, as Part of One Package or Contract
The product is not offered along with an accompanying and/or additional product, work, or service that is not insurance, as part of one package or contract.
12. Conditions for Obtaining a Discount on the Insurance Product and Promotional Offers, Including Their Duration
No discounts on the product.
No promotional offers.