Liability insurance in the course of business activities



1. Object of Insurance

Civil liability of the Insured for damage caused to the life, health, or property of third parties during the conduct of business activities related to the insured type of activity.


2. Insurance Risks and Limitations

Damage caused to Third Parties as a result of fire, including damage caused by combustion products and firefighting measures, resulting in the Insured's obligation to compensate for the damage caused to the property, life, and health of third parties during the validity period of the Contract. 

Insurance Limitations: None.


3. Minimum and Maximum Insurance Amount (Liability Limit)

Determined by mutual agreement of the parties.


4. Minimum and Maximum Insurance Premium and/or Insurance Rate

o    Minimum insurance rate: 0.06%

o    Maximum insurance rate: 1.5%


5. Minimum and Maximum Deductible

o    Unconditional Deductible

o    The deductible may be set as a percentage of the insurance amount or in a monetary equivalent. The deductible does not apply to damages caused to the life and health of third parties.


6. Territory and Duration of the Insurance Contract (including information about the entry into force and insurance period)

o    Territory of action: Ukraine (except for the territory of active hostilities and territories temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation as determined by the Order of the Ministry for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories No. 309 dated December 22, 2022, "On the Approval of the List of Territories where Hostilities are (were) Conducted or Temporarily Occupied by the Russian Federation" or any amendments to it, as well as within a 50 km radius from these territories) and zones of combat operations, civil unrest, and areas where a special entry/exit regime is established.

o    The contract is concluded for a period of up to 1 year.

o    The contract enters into force from the date specified in the contract but not earlier than the receipt of the insurance payment to the Insurer's current account.

o    Extension of the contract's duration is not possible.


7. Exclusions from Insurance Events and Grounds for Refusal of Insurance Payments

7.1. The following are not considered insurance events, and the Insurer does not pay compensation if the causes of the event are related to:

o    7.1.1. Intentional actions/inaction or gross negligence of the Insured's officials or employees.

o    7.1.2. Spontaneous combustion or other natural properties of the materials from which the property is made.

o    7.1.3. The use of materials, constructions, equipment, and devices rejected or not recommended for use by the relevant authorized government bodies or not tested (certified) according to current regulations.

o    7.1.4. The event that took place outside the period of the Contract, the location of the Contract, and the type of business activity.

o    7.1.5. The use and storage by the Insured of toxic or chemically and biologically active substances, radioactive materials, and devices containing such materials, or any sources of ionizing radiation.

o    7.1.6. Any natural phenomena.

o    7.1.7. Damage caused by water during the failure of fire suppression systems.

o    7.1.8. Conducting construction and installation works, repairs, or replanning. The Insurer is not responsible under the Contract during the period of such works at the Contract location.

o    7.1.9. Changing the functional purpose of the equipment used in the insured type of activity or its re-equipment without the appropriate permission from government oversight bodies.

o    7.1.10. Changing the functional purpose of the real estate used in the insured type of activity or its replanning without the appropriate permission from government oversight bodies.

o    7.1.11. Violation by the Insured of current legislation, regulations, neglect of safety rules, including fire safety rules, and failure to comply with the Insurer's written instructions regarding the reduction of the insurance risk level.

o    7.1.12. As a result of knowingly providing false information by the Insured about all known circumstances essential for risk assessment when concluding the Contract and/or failure to provide information about any changes in the insurance risk.

o    7.1.13. Constant, regular, or prolonged thermal exposure or exposure to gases, vapors, rays, liquids, moisture, or any other, including non-atmospheric, precipitation (soot, smoke, dust).

7.2. The following are also not reimbursed under the Contract:

o    7.2.1. Indirect damages.

o    7.2.2. Moral damages.

o    7.2.3. Loss of market value.

o    7.2.4. Loss of profit (income) due to a forced interruption of the work of the Third Party.

o    7.2.5. Costs associated with meeting requirements related to the provision of any professional service.

o    7.2.6. Costs associated with changes and/or improvements to the damaged property of the Third Party.

o    7.2.7. Costs for temporary (auxiliary) repairs or temporary (auxiliary) restoration.

o    7.2.8. Costs for dismantling damaged property and clearing the area and removing debris after the Event.

o    7.2.9. Delivery costs for materials, products, constructions, equipment, and the relocation of construction machinery and mechanisms.

o    7.2.10. Attorney's fees.

o    7.2.11. Costs associated with satisfying claims related to circumstances that the Insured knew or should have known but did not take all possible measures to prevent the Event leading to the insurance case.

o    7.2.12. Costs associated with satisfying claims related to damage to property owned by the Insured or leased, leased, or pledged by the Insured.

o    7.2.13. Costs associated with satisfying claims related to the use by the Insured of hydro-technical, explosive, fire-hazardous objects, and objects with mass gatherings of people, not located on the territory or inside the specified objects.

o    7.2.14. Costs associated with satisfying claims for damages caused to the life, health, and/or property of the Insured, persons employed by the Insured, or owners of rented property used by the Insured in business activities.


8. Insurer's Liability Limits for Specific Insurance Objects, Insurance Risks, and/or Insurance Events, Groups of Insurance Risks, and/or Insurance Events, and Other Components of the Insurance Product

By agreement of the parties, liability limits may be established for damages caused to the life/health, property of third parties, and/or for a single insurance event.


9. Calculation Procedure and Conditions for Insurance Payments

9.1. The decision to make or refuse to make an insurance payment is made by the Insurer within 15 (fifteen) working days from the day the Insurer receives all the necessary documents confirming the occurrence of the insured event and the amount of damages, by compiling an insurance act or an act of refusal to pay insurance compensation accordingly. At the same time, the period for making a decision on payment or refusal of insurance compensation may be extended for the period of waiting for information from the Competent Authorities and the time required for additional investigation of the circumstances of the event.

9.2. Payment of insurance compensation is made to the Insured (Third Party) within 5 (five) working days from the day of compiling the insurance act based on the following documents:

o    9.2.1. Written application of the Insured (Third Party) for insurance compensation in the form established by the Insurer;

o    9.2.2. Document confirming the identity and authority of the recipient of the insurance compensation;

o    9.2.3. Certificate of assignment of an identification number issued by the State Tax Administration of Ukraine (for a Third Party - an individual);

o    9.2.4. Other documents required by the Insurer for the identification of the recipient of the insurance compensation.

9.3. The amount of insurance compensation is determined by the Insurer based on the documents confirming the fact of the insured event and the amount of damage caused to the third party, taking into account the terms of the Contract.

9.4. Insurance compensation is paid to all Third Parties established as of the day the insurance act is compiled, in the event of a single (individual) insured event within the established liability limits. If the total amount of damages exceeds the established liability limits, insurance compensation is paid to each Third Party for individual objects of property, life, health proportionally to the damages caused within the established liability limits under the Contract.

9.5. In the event of compensation for damages caused to the life and health of third parties, the Insurer, within the limits of liability for the life and health of third parties established by the Contract, makes the following payments:

o    9.5.1. In the event of the death of a third party (parties) - in the amount of 100% of the liability limit;

o    9.5.2. In the event of a third party receiving Group I disability - in the amount of 100% of the liability limit;

o    9.5.3. In the event of a third party receiving Group II disability - in the amount of 75% of the liability limit;

o    9.5.4. In the event of a third party receiving Group III disability - in the amount of 50% of the liability limit;

o    9.5.5. In the event of temporary loss of work capacity by a third party - in the amount of 0.5% of the liability limit established by the Contract for each day of loss of work capacity, including weekends and holidays, but not more than 50% of the liability limit established by the Contract;

o    9.5.6. In the event of the establishment of disability or death after temporary loss of work capacity, the third party is paid the difference between the maximum liability limit for the life and health of third parties established by the Contract and the already received insurance compensation.

9.6. In the event of damage to the property of third parties, the Insurer compensates within the liability limit for the property under the Contract:

o    9.6.1. In the event of complete constructive destruction of property - in the amount of its actual value on the day of the insured event, less the value of the remnants suitable for further use;

o    9.6.2. In the event of damage to property - in the amount of the costs required to restore it to the state it was in immediately before the insured event occurred. The restoration costs are determined taking into account the depreciation of the materials and spare parts that are replaced during the restoration (repair) process.

9.7. Insurance compensation for any object of movable property cannot exceed 10% of the liability limit for the property under the Contract.

9.8. The Insurer's liability limit for compensating the cost of interior finishes per one square meter of floor area is 500 UAH. The cost of interior finishes per one square meter of floor area refers to the ratio of the cost of building materials and works required to restore the interior finishes of a particular room (wall, ceiling, floor, door, and window constructions) to the area of this room.

9.9. In any case, the total amount of insurance compensations under the Contract cannot exceed the amount of the insurance sum under the Contract.

9.10. Only direct material damage, the amount of which is agreed upon by the Parties based on the Third Party's application and the submitted documents confirming the amount of their damages or established by a court decision, is subject to insurance compensation.

9.11. The amount of insurance compensation is reduced by: the amount of unpaid insurance premiums under the Contract, the depreciation value of damaged property, and the amount of the established deductible when compensating for damage to the property of third parties.

9.12. In the event of insurance compensation being paid to several Third Parties and also in the case of payment for individual objects of property, life, and health proportionally to the damages caused within the established liability limits, the Insurer is considered to have fulfilled its obligation to pay insurance compensation for this insured event in full.

9.13. After paying the insurance compensation, the insurance sum is reduced by the amount of the paid insurance compensation.


10. Possible Consequences for the Consumer in Case of Non-fulfillment of Obligations Defined by the Insurance Contract, Including Late Notification of Insurance Event without Valid Reasons and Late Payment of the Insurance Premium or Its Next Installment

Refusal to pay insurance compensation.


11. Information about the Possibility of Purchasing the Insurance Product Separately if Such a Product is Offered Together with a Related and/or Additional Product, Work, or Service that is Not Insurance as Part of a Single Package or Contract

The product is not offered together with a related and/or additional product, work, or service that is not insurance as part of a single package or contract.


12. Conditions for Obtaining Discounts on the Insurance Product and Promotional Offers, Including the Terms of Their Validity

No discounts on the product.

No promotional offers.


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