Euroins Bulgaria is the leading Bulgarian insurance company in the SEE TOP 100 ranking


Euroins Bulgaria is the leading Bulgarian insurance company in the SEE TOP 100 ranking

European business portal SeeNews has published the results of the annual SEE TOP 100 ranking of insurance companies in South East Europe. Among the top 100 insurance companies in the region, the high 11th place was occupied by Euroins Bulgaria, the largest subsidiary of Euroins Insurance Group (EIG), which improved its position by 4 places compared to last year's ranking.

In addition, Euroins Bulgaria surpassed its domestic competitors in the ranking and became the best insurance company in Bulgaria. Last year, the company collected almost 232 million euros in gross premiums, which is 32% more than in 2021.

The SEE TOP 100 insurer ranking includes the largest insurance companies (excluding reinsurers) in South East Europe by gross premium volume for 2022. When compiling the ranking, analysts studied the performance of 240 companies from 11 countries in the region.

Euroins Bulgaria is Bulgaria's largest insurer by premium volume. At the beginning of October 2023, the company increased its capital by 15 million leva (€7.7 million). These funds will be used to finance the company's development in foreign markets, where it operates on the basis of EU legislation on freedom of enterprise and freedom to provide services.

In addition to Bulgaria, Euroins operates through its branch in Greece, as well as in Poland, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany and Italy. Euroins Bulgaria has recently been active in the Romanian market, where it offers non-motor insurance services.

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