Euroins Ukraine increased premiums by 20.4% to UAH 565 million in 2023


Euroins Ukraine increased premiums by 20.4% to UAH 565 million in 2023

Euroins Ukraine, a subsidiary of the European insurance group Euroins Insurance Group (EIG), has summed up its performance in 2023. The company provides a consistently high level of financial protection for its clients and meets all the requirements of the market regulator.

In 2023, Euroins Ukraine collected UAH 565 million in insurance premiums, which is 20.4% more than in 2022.

The highest dynamics of premiums was achieved in the segments of voluntary health insurance (VHI) - 110% (+UAH 56.3 million), MTPL - 24% (+UAH 69.7 million), and accident insurance - 24% (+UAH 2.5 million);

The volume of claims paid to Euroins Ukraine clients for 9 months of 2023 increased by 41.5% to UAH 265 million.

"The main result of our work for the year is that the company maintains high financial stability, meets all the requirements of the regulator, timely and fully fulfils its obligations to customers and partners. The increase in premiums in the main lines of business demonstrates the high quality of insurance products and customer confidence in Euroins," comments Yanko Nikolov, Chairman of the Board of Euroins Ukraine.

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