Euroins Ukraine in the TOP 10 of motor third party liability leaders in the fourth quarter of 2022


Euroins Ukraine in the TOP 10 of motor third party liability leaders in the fourth quarter of 2022

MTIBU has summed up the results of the Ukrainian MTPL market in the fourth quarter of 2022. The top 10 companies in the market are highlighted separately by key market performance indicators (number of contracts, premiums, payments).

Compared to the previous year, Euroins Ukraine has improved its position! In the list of TOP-10 companies we took

  • 4th place in terms of the number of policies sold (almost 120 thousand).
  • 5th place in terms of the amount of claims paid (UAH 37.2 million).
  • 6th place in terms of premiums collected (UAH 91.5 million).

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