Insurance companies "Euroins Ukraine" and "ETC" have begun cooperation with the band "BEZ OBMEZHEN" as part of the big tour "Strong Hearts"


Insurance companies "Euroins Ukraine" and "ETC" have begun cooperation with the band "BEZ OBMEZHEN" as part of the big tour "Strong Hearts"

Insurance companies Euroins Ukraine and European Travel Insurance have started cooperation with the famous Ukrainian band BEZ OBMEZHEN. The purpose of the partnership is to raise funds to support the Ukrainian military.

The Strong Hearts tour will include a series of concerts throughout Ukraine, during which the band BEZ OBMEZHEN will hold charity events to raise funds for the purchase of cars and drones for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Euroins Ukraine and European Travel Insurance are important partners of this charity project and are making their contribution to strengthening Ukrainian defenders.

“We are joining forces for a common goal - to help our military. It is a great honor for us to support this important initiative,” comments Andriy Yakovenko, Chairman of the Board of Insurance Company Euroins Ukraine.

Euroins Ukraine is a leader in the auto insurance market, providing reliable protection for vehicle owners throughout the country. "European Travel Insurance" is a leading travel insurance company that offers a wide range of services for travelers both in Ukraine and abroad.

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