What 2023 will bring for drivers


What 2023 will bring for drivers

Dear customers! This year, Ukrainian car owners will face many changes. What should drivers prepare for?

  1. There are plans to resume mandatory vehicle inspections. Despite the war, Ukraine needs to return this regulation to move forward with its EU accession.
  2. Customs clearance will be available online. In 2023, it will be possible to clear a car in Ukraine in the Diia app in 10 minutes, without human intervention.
  3. Increased cost of services for car owners. It may become 30 times more expensive to get a driver's licence and four times more expensive to register a car. But so far, this is just a draft law that will be finalised.
  4. Introduction of electronic number plates. It is planned to issue number plates for passenger cars in electronic form, as well as an electronic car registration certificate.

But what will definitely remain unchanged for all car owners is the mandatory insurance policy of motor third party liability insurance. You can apply for an electronic MTPL insurance policy from Euroins Ukraine here in 4 steps: https://bit.ly/3xSoMXz

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