
1. Object of Insurance

The object of the insurance contract is property under the right of ownership, use, and disposal, with identification information provided in the Insurance Contract.


2. Insurance Risks and Insurance Limitations

2.1. Fire  

2.1.1. Fire is understood as burning in the form of an open flame or smoldering, which suddenly and unpredictably occurred outside of a specially designated place or spread beyond its limits and is capable of spreading independently. Damage from fire is damage to the insured property caused by fire, high temperature, combustion products (smoke, soot, etc.), and during fire suppression.  

2.1.2. Damage due to arson resulting from intentional actions or gross negligence of third parties, except for the Policyholder (or their representatives) and/or if the arson is qualified as a terrorist act under the legislation of Ukraine, is also covered.  

2.1.3. Not covered:  

a) Damage caused by processing or heating the property;  

b) Damage from burning objects (coals, cigarettes, etc.) if no fire occurred;  

c) Damage to electrical devices from short circuits or overvoltage, except in cases of fire.  

2.2. Lightning Strike  

2.2.1. A lightning strike is a direct hit of atmospheric electricity on insured property.  

2.2.2. Damage from lightning is damage due to the thermal and electrodynamic effects on the property.  

2.2.3. Damage to electrical devices from overvoltage, induction, or the transmission of electricity through wires, as well as damage to protective fuses and lightning rods, is not covered.

2.3. Explosion  

2.3.1. Explosion is a rapid release of energy in a confined space over a short period caused by the ability of gas or vapor to expand.  

2.3.2. Damage caused by an explosion of gas, steam boilers, gas pipelines, and pressurized containers is covered.  

2.3.3. Not covered:  

a) Damage caused by an explosion within the limits of permitted activity;  

b) Damage to machinery equipment from an explosion in the combustion chamber.

2.4. Falling Aircraft  

2.4.1. Damage due to the fall of manned or unmanned aircraft (or their parts), explosions, or fires caused by the fall, as well as the spill of fuel from the aircraft, is covered.  

2.4.2. Damage from the vortex trail of the engine or a sonic boom is not covered.

2.5. Storm, Gale, Tornado, Hurricane, and Hail  

2.5.1. A storm is wind with a speed exceeding 17.2 m/s.  

2.5.2. A gale is wind with a speed exceeding 20 m/s.  

2.5.3. A hurricane is wind with a speed exceeding 32.7 m/s.  

2.5.4. A tornado is an atmospheric vortex that extends from a thunderstorm cloud to the ground.  

2.5.5. Damage must be confirmed by a certificate from a competent authority (Hydrometeorological Center or State Emergency Service of Ukraine). If obtaining a certificate is impossible, the Policyholder must prove that one of the storm conditions damaged the property.  

2.5.6. Hail is atmospheric precipitation in the form of ice pieces.  

2.5.7. Not covered:  

a) Damage from rain, snow, or other precipitation that penetrates through open holes in buildings;  

b) Damage to movable property located outside buildings;  

c) Damage to buildings constructed with violations or in poor condition;  

d) Damage to buildings under construction or not in use.

2.6. Flood, Flash Flood, Downpour  

2.6.1. Flood is a temporary flooding caused by rising water levels or dam breaks, as well as prolonged rain or downpours.  

2.6.2. A flash flood is a short-term increase in water levels that can cause a flood.  

2.6.3. A downpour is a short-term heavy rain exceeding 30 mm within one hour.  

2.6.4. Not covered:  

a) Damage caused by storm surges;  

b) Flooding in areas where water overflow from rivers is predictable.

2.7. Earthquake  

2.7.1. An earthquake is an underground shock and surface vibrations of natural origin.  

2.7.2. Damage is covered only if the earthquake is registered with a magnitude of 5 or higher on the Richter scale.

2.8. Landslide, Rockfall, Mudflow  

2.8.1. A landslide is soil sliding under its own weight.  

2.8.2. A rockfall is the sudden collapse of a part of the rocks.  

2.8.3. A mudflow is a temporary flow containing a large amount of solid material.  

2.8.4. Not covered:  

a) Damage caused by construction work;  

b) Damage caused by blasting operations.

2.9. Avalanche  

2.9.1. An avalanche is a snow slide from steep slopes. Damage caused by artificially created snow masses or snow pressure on building roofs is not covered.

2.10. Water Damage from Accidents  

2.10.1. Damage caused by water leakage from water, sewage, or heating systems, or water penetration from neighboring premises, is covered.  

2.10.2. Not covered:  

a) Damage to the water supply systems and similar devices;  

b) Damage caused by moisture, mold, or decay.

2.11. Illegal Actions of Third Parties: Theft, Robbery, Intentional Actions  

2.11.1. Burglary. Burglary is considered as such if a third party:  

a) Entered the premises through forced entry;  

b) Broke into a safe or used counterfeit keys;  

c) Secretly entered and used the methods specified in clause (a);  

d) Took possession of the key as a result of burglary or robbery. Theft is recognized only if the information is entered into the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations (URPTI). Insurance only applies to property inside buildings.  

2.11.2. Robbery. Robbery is considered as such if:  

a) Violence was used to seize property;  

b) There was a threat to health or life to obtain the property.  

2.11.3. Intentional destruction or damage to property. The insurer compensates for damage caused by intentional actions of third parties. Damage is not compensated if the actions are not qualified under the relevant article of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.  

2.11.4. Collision with a ground vehicle. Damage caused by ground vehicles belonging to the Policyholder or their employees is not covered.  

Insurance Limitations - None.


3. Minimum and Maximum Insurance Amounts (Liability Limits)

Established by mutual agreement. The insurance amount is set at an amount that does not exceed the actual value of the insured property at the location specified in the insurance contract, based on prices and tariffs in effect at the time of the contract signing, unless otherwise specified in the contract. The Policyholder is responsible for the accuracy of determining the actual value of the property.


4. Minimum and Maximum Insurance Premiums and/or Insurance Rates

Minimum insurance rate - 0.003%  

Maximum insurance rate - 3%.


5. Type, Minimum, and Maximum Deductible Amounts

The deductible is unconditional.  

Minimum deductible rate - 0.003%  

Maximum deductible rate - 3%.


6. Territory and Duration of the Insurance Contract (including information on the entry into force and insurance period(s))

The insurance territory is the location of the property within Ukraine, except for territories of active military operations and temporarily occupied territories by the Russian Federation, as defined by the Order of the Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories No. 309 dated December 22, 2022, "On Approving the List of Territories Where Military Operations Are or Were Conducted or Temporarily Occupied by the Russian Federation" or any amendments to it, as well as within 50 km of these territories, and areas of military actions, civil unrest, and areas with special entry/exit/occupancy control regimes.  

The contract is concluded for a period of up to one year.  

The contract comes into force on the date specified in the contract, but not earlier than the receipt of the insurance payment into the Insurer's current account.  

Contract extension is not possible.


7. Exclusions from Insurance Events and Grounds for Denial of Insurance Payments

The insurance territory is the location of the property within Ukraine, except for territories of active military operations and temporarily occupied territories by the Russian Federation, as defined by the Order of the Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories No. 309 dated December 22, 2022, "On Approving the List of Territories Where Military Operations Are or Were Conducted or Temporarily Occupied by the Russian Federation" or any amendments to it, as well as within 50 km of these territories, and areas of military actions, civil unrest, and areas with special entry/exit/occupancy control regimes.  

The contract is concluded for a period of up to one year.  

The contract comes into force on the date specified in the contract, but not earlier than the receipt of the insurance payment into the Insurer's current account.  

Contract extension is not possible.

7) Exclusions from Insurance Events and Grounds for Denial of Insurance Payments  

Insurance events do not include and the Insurer does not compensate for losses caused to the Policyholder if the damage was inflicted by/ or resulted from (or is otherwise related to/arising from):  

7.1. War, invasion, hostile actions, or military operations (whether war is declared or not), civil war, strikes, or public unrest.  

7.2. Property expropriation as a result of confiscation or requisition by any authority; destruction or damage to property by order of military or civil authorities.  

7.3. Rebellion, military or civil insurrection, uprising, revolution, public unrest equivalent to insurrection, seizure of power, the imposition of military authority or martial law, the declaration of a state of siege, or any event leading to the declaration of martial law or siege.  

7.4. Terrorist act or terrorism, as well as any losses caused by actions aimed at controlling, preventing, or suppressing a terrorist act.  

7.5. Negligent actions by Users or their actions while under the influence of drugs, toxins, or alcohol, leading to the occurrence of events with insurance characteristics.  

7.6. Spontaneous combustion, fermentation, rot, mold, condensation, natural wear, or other natural properties of the materials from which the insured property is made.  

7.7. Building collapse due to age, wear, or other causes not resulting from an insurance event.  

7.8. Use of materials, appliances, or equipment that have not been inspected or are not recommended by the relevant state authorities.  

7.9. Actions of beneficial fire or heat necessary for processing, repair, or other purposes (e.g., drying, cooking, ironing, etc.).  

7.10. Combustion products and fire suppression measures if the fire occurred outside the insurance territory, and the insured property was not damaged.  

7.11. The effect of electric current on electrical equipment, cables, or wiring if no other insured property was damaged.  

7.12. Explosion of an internal combustion engine that occurred in the combustion chamber and did not damage other property.  

7.13. Movement of air masses at speeds less than 20 meters per second if it is not proven that this caused damage to the insured property.  

7.14. Atmospheric precipitation, smoke, soot that penetrated through unclosed openings in buildings.  

7.15. Natural phenomena that are regular seasonal occurrences in a particular area.  

7.16. Water or other liquids spilled due to a malfunction of the automatic fire extinguishing system if there was no fire.  

7.17. Fire or explosion due to arson or detonation if insurance against intentional destruction of property by third parties is not provided.  

7.18. The secret disappearance of property that is not classified as a crime.  

7.19. Pressure from sound waves of air vehicles moving at sonic or supersonic speeds.  

7.20. Violation of current legislation or negligence of safety rules by the Policyholder.  

7.21. False information about circumstances relevant to risk assessment.  

7.22. Construction or installation work without the appropriate permit.  

7.23. Man-made accidents at hydraulic or industrial facilities.  

7.24. Damage to property caused by freezing liquids in internal building systems.  

7.25. Steam, condensation, or moisture that is not the result of an insurance event.  

7.26. Damage to property due to pipeline system accidents if the property was stored less than 20 cm from the floor.  

7.27. Theft or misappropriation of property after an insurance event.  

7.28. Ground movement during construction work within a radius of 50 meters from the property.  

7.29. Nuclear reaction, radioactive, or chemical contamination.  

7.30. Documents, precious metals, collections, libraries, furs, objects of historical value.  

7.31. Technical data carriers, audio, video materials.  

7.32. Exterior finishing of buildings, equipment installed outside.  

7.33. Glass with an area of more than 1.5 square meters, showcases, mirrors, glass structures.  

7.34. Explosives, flammable liquids, military property, poisonous substances.  

7.35. Personal belongings, animals, plants, including indoor plants.


8. Insurer’s Liability Limits for Specific Insured Objects, Insurance Risks, and/or Insurance Events, Group of Insurance Risks and/or Insurance Events, and Other Components of the Insurance Product



9. Procedure for Calculating and Terms of Insurance Payments

9.1. The amount of insurance compensation is determined by the Insurer based on the documents provided by the Policyholder that confirm the occurrence of the insurance event and the amount of damage, additional examinations conducted by the Insurer, documents, and responses to official requests to Competent Authorities, taking into account the terms of the Insurance Contract.  

9.2. To confirm the occurrence of the insurance event, the amount of damage, and determine the amount of insurance compensation, the Policyholder provides the Insurer with the following documents:  

9.2.1. Notification of the event with signs of an insurance event within the period specified in the Insurance Contract;  

9.2.2. The original of the Insurance Contract;  

9.2.3. Documents confirming ownership or other property interest in the damaged (destroyed, lost) insured property at the time of the event with insurance characteristics (certificate of ownership, sale and purchase agreement, lease agreement, rental, lease, etc.);  

9.2.4. A certificate (conclusion, report) issued by state Competent Authorities on the occurrence of the event with insurance characteristics, indicating the date, reasons, and circumstances of the occurrence, a description of the damage;  

9.2.5. A list of damaged, destroyed, or lost insured property, compiled and signed by the Policyholder;  

9.2.6. Documents confirming the actual value of the damaged, destroyed, or lost insured property on the day of the insurance event and/or the corresponding accounting documents (excerpts from inventory books, invoices, and waybills, excerpts from warehouse accounting books, etc.) for Policyholders - legal entities;  

9.2.7. Documents containing calculations of direct damage or recovery costs for damaged, destroyed, lost insured property, indicating the depreciation (devaluation) amount;  

9.2.8. Documents confirming the legality of building reconstruction and the installation of devices and/or equipment and their re-equipment, if the reconstruction, installation, re-equipment could have caused the insurance event;  

9.2.9. Documents confirming additional expenses incurred by the Policyholder as a result of the event with insurance characteristics, upon the request of the Insurer;  

9.2.10. Documents confirming payment of the insurance premium under the Insurance Contract;  

9.2.11. Other documents at the Insurer’s reasonable request that may be relevant to determining the causes and circumstances of the insurance event, the amount of damage incurred, and calculating the amount of insurance compensation.  

9.3. The specific list of documents required to confirm the occurrence of the insurance event, the amount of damage, and the calculation of insurance compensation is determined by the Insurer depending on the causes of the event, the type of property, the nature of the damage, and the Policyholder's compliance with the terms of the Insurance Contract.  

9.4. The documents required to confirm the occurrence of the insurance event, the amount of damage, and the calculation of insurance compensation must be provided to the Insurer in the form of: original copies; notarized copies; simple copies, provided the Insurer is allowed to compare these papers with the original documents.  

9.5. If the documents required to confirm the occurrence of the insurance event, the amount of damage, and the calculation of insurance compensation are not provided in full and/or in proper form or are issued in violation of existing norms (missing number, date, stamp, text corrections, etc.), the insurance compensation payment will not be made until these deficiencies are corrected. The Insurer sends a notification about this to the Policyholder by registered mail, which must be sent within 10 (ten) working days from the date of receipt of the said documents.  

9.6. The amount of damage caused by the event with insurance characteristics is determined taking into account the following conditions:  

9.6.1. In the event of complete constructive destruction or loss (theft) of insured property, the amount of damage is determined as its actual value on the day of the insurance event, minus the value of the remnants suitable for further use. Complete constructive destruction of the insured property is considered such a level of damage to the insured property as a result of the insurance event when the cost of restoring this property exceeds 95 (ninety-five) percent of its actual value at the time of the insurance event;  

9.6.2. In the event of property damage, the amount of damage is determined as the cost of restoring it to the state it was in immediately before the insurance event. Restoration costs are determined by subtracting the depreciation of the materials and spare parts replaced during the restoration process;  

9.6.3. In the event of insured additional expenses related to the insurance event, the amount of damage is determined as the actual expenses, if their necessity and feasibility are proven by the Policyholder.  

9.6.4. In the event of damage to the insured land plot, the amount of damage is determined within the limits of the costs of recultivation of the fertile soil layer of the land plot to the state it was in before the insurance event. Recultivation is understood as a complex of organizational, technical, and biotechnological measures aimed at restoring the soil cover of degraded lands, the surface of which has been damaged as a result of the insurance event.  

9.6.5. To determine the amount of direct material damage in the event of damage, destruction, or loss of material values (goods, raw materials, materials, components, semi-finished products, low-value items, etc.), it is necessary to subtract from the actual value of the material values located at the place of the Insurance Contract (in warehouses, retail halls, workshops, unfinished production, etc.) at the time of the insurance event the value of undamaged property, as well as the value of depreciated remnants of damaged material values. The actual value is understood as the cost price (purchase price, production cost) of the respective units of material values.  

9.7. If the Policyholder disagrees with the Insurer's conclusions regarding the amount of damage, they have the right to contact a person who, according to the legislation, is entitled to conduct relevant research, paying for such services at their own expense. However, such research is not grounds for the Insurer to recognize the amount of damage incurred by the Policyholder as a result of the insurance event.  

9.8. The amount of insurance compensation is determined within the limits of the amount of actual (direct) damage caused by the insurance event, excluding:  

9.8.1. Expenses related to the alteration and/or improvement of insured property;  

9.8.2. Expenses for temporary (auxiliary) repair or temporary (auxiliary) restoration;  

9.8.3. Expenses for reworking equipment and devices, their preventive repair, and maintenance;  

9.8.4. Expenses for the replacement or repair of property under warranty or maintenance, if the manufacturer or the respective repair company is obliged to replace or repair it free of charge in exchange for subscription payments;  

9.8.5. Expenses for dismantling, demolishing damaged insured property, as well as expenses for clearing the area and removing debris after the insurance event;  

9.8.6. Expenses for delivering materials, products, structures, equipment, as well as expenses for relocating construction machines and mechanisms;  

9.8.7. The value of property that, at the time of the insurance event, will not be proven by documents or by inspecting the remnants and the place of the insurance event;  

9.8.8. Moral damage, lost profit, loss of market value, as well as expenses incurred independently of the insurance event and not related to it.  

9.9. When calculating the cost of restoring damaged property, insurance compensation is subject to the smaller of the two amounts:  

9.9.1. The cost of repairing damaged parts of insured property, provided there is no danger in using this property;  

9.9.2. The cost of replacing damaged parts of insured property, taking into account depreciation (devaluation). If the replacement of damaged parts is carried out, despite the possibility of repairing them without jeopardizing the safety of using the insured property, insurance compensation is subject to the cost of repairing these parts.  

9.10. In the event of damage, destruction, or loss of a specific object of property, insurance compensation is paid by the Insurer within the insurance amount established in the Insurance Contract for this object.  

9.11. In the event of damage or destruction of a building or its part, insurance compensation is paid within the limits of the separate insurance amounts specified in the Insurance Contract for structural elements, interior decoration, and engineering equipment.  

9.12. If the Insurance Contract does not specify separate insurance amounts for the structural elements, interior decoration, and engineering equipment of a specific insured building or its part, it is established that in the event of damage or destruction:  

9.12.1. For structural elements, the amount of insurance compensation cannot exceed 90 (ninety) percent of the insurance amount for the corresponding insured real estate;  

9.12.2. For interior decoration, the Insurer's liability limit for compensating the restoration cost of interior decoration per square meter of floor area of a separate room is 500 (five hundred) hryvnias, and the amount of insurance compensation cannot exceed 20 (twenty) percent of the insurance amount for the corresponding insured real estate.  

At the same time, insurance compensation cannot exceed the cost of paying for the building materials and work to restore the interior decoration (surfaces of walls, ceilings, floors, door and window structures) of a separate room and is paid within the amount obtained by multiplying the floor area of this room by 500 (five hundred) hryvnias, and in total, for all rooms, it cannot exceed 20 (twenty) percent of the insurance amount for the corresponding insured real estate.  

9.12.3. For engineering equipment, the amount of insurance compensation cannot exceed 10 (ten) percent of the insurance amount for the corresponding insured real estate.  

9.13. The Insurer’s liability limit for compensating necessary and reasonably incurred additional expenses defined in section 6 of the Insurance Contract is 5 (five) percent of the insurance compensation amount payable for the insurance event.  

9.14. If the insurance amount is less than 90 (ninety) percent of the actual value of the insured property on the day of the insurance event, the amount of insurance compensation is determined proportionally to the ratio of the insurance amount to the actual value of the insured property on the day of the insurance event.  

9.15. If the insurance amount exceeds the actual value of the insured property on the day of the insurance event, the amount of insurance compensation is determined within the actual value of the property at prices prevailing at the time of the insurance event.  

9.16. The amount of insurance compensation is reduced by: any sums received by the Policyholder (Beneficiary) from third parties in compensation for the insurance event, the amount of unpaid insurance premiums under the Insurance Contract, the amount of depreciation, the amount of the deductible established in the Insurance Contract.  

9.17. In any case, the amount of insurance compensation cannot exceed the total insurance amount under the Insurance Contract.  

9.18. The Insurer decides to pay or refuse to pay insurance compensation within 10 (ten) working days from the date of receiving all necessary documents provided by the Policyholder to confirm the occurrence of the insurance event and determine the amount of damage incurred, by drawing up an insurance report or a report of refusal to pay insurance compensation, respectively.  

9.19. The Insurer may delay the decision to pay or refuse to pay insurance compensation if:  

9.19.1. It is necessary to conduct additional examinations, make official inquiries to Competent Authorities to determine the causes and circumstances of the insurance event - for the time of waiting for the results, but no more than 60 (sixty) calendar days;  

9.19.2. A criminal case has been initiated, or court proceedings have been opened to clarify the circumstances that caused the event with insurance characteristics - until the investigation is completed or a court decision is made, respectively.  

9.20. Insurance compensation is paid by the Insurer within 5 (five) working days from the date of drawing up the insurance report based on the following documents:  

9.20.1. A written application for insurance compensation in the form established by the Insurer;  

9.20.2. A document confirming the identity and authority of the recipient of insurance compensation;  

9.20.3. A certificate of assignment of an identification number issued by the State Tax Administration of Ukraine (for the recipient of insurance compensation - an individual);  

9.20.4. Other documents at the Insurer’s request.  

9.21. If insurance compensation is paid in a certain part of the material damage caused by the insurance event due to the insurance amount specified in the Insurance Contract being less than the actual value of the insured property, the Insurer is considered to have fulfilled its obligation to pay insurance compensation for this insurance event in full.  

9.22. After paying insurance compensation, the Policyholder is obliged to present the restored property for inspection by the Insurer's representative, who will draw up an inspection report. Otherwise, the Policyholder's claims, in the event of future similar damage to the same property, will not be accepted and will not be considered an insurance event.  

9.23. After paying insurance compensation, the insurance amount is reduced by the amount of the insurance compensation paid, and the next insurance compensation payment will be made taking into account the reduction of the insurance amount.  

9.24. The insurance amount may be restored by mutual agreement of the Parties by concluding an additional agreement to the Insurance Contract and paying an additional insurance premium.  

9.25. In the event that the Policyholder does not pay the additional insurance premium before the occurrence of the insurance event, the Insurer pays insurance compensation proportionally to the remaining insurance amount after previous insurance compensation payments have been made to the actual value of the property on the day of the insurance event.  

9.26. If the Policyholder (Beneficiary) receives compensation for damages for the insurance event from persons responsible for the damage, they must return the insurance compensation paid by the Insurer in the amount of the received sums within 10 (ten) working days from the date of receipt of the corresponding sums.  

9.27. In the case of insuring goods in stock or goods in circulation, the calculation of insurance compensation for the insurance event will be made by the Insurer based on the prices for goods established by the manufacturer of such goods if it turns out that at the time of concluding the Insurance Contract, the prices for goods established by the manufacturer were lower than the prices for goods established by the Policyholder. The Policyholder confirms the price of the goods based on the respective official documents of the manufacturer. If there are justified objections to the data or documents provided by the Policyholder, the Insurer may independently determine the value of such goods by obtaining data directly from the manufacturer or conducting an appropriate examination.


10. Possible Consequences for the Consumer in Case of Failure to Fulfill Obligations Defined by the Insurance Contract, Including Late Notification of the Insurance Event without Valid Reasons and Late Payment of the Insurance Premium or Subsequent Part

Denial of insurance compensation.


11. Information on the Possibility to Purchase the Insurance Product Separately if Such a Product is Offered Together with a Related and/or Additional Product, Service, or Work That Is Not Insurance as Part of a Package or Contract

The product is not offered together with a related and/or additional product, service, or work that is not insurance as part of a package or contract.


12. Terms for Receiving a Discount on the Insurance Product and Promotional Offers, Including Their Duration

No discounts for the product.  

No promotional offers.


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