In this section, we described the procedure for taking action in the event of an insured event, as well as a list of documents that must be submitted to the insurance company in order to receive a decision on the payment of compensation



  1. Notify us of damage to your property by calling 0 800 501-513, within 2 hours after you learn about it.
  2. Follow the recommendations of our Call Center specialist to save property and reduce the amount of damage.
  3. Do not move the damaged property or start repairs until our employee inspects your property.
  4. Do not promise to make any compensation to the neighbors if you were the culprit of the incident, without our consent.


Documents required for payment of insurance compensation from the Insured:

  • Application for payment of insurance compensation.
  • Passport and ITN (for legal entities - certificate of state registration and certificate of inclusion in EDRPOU).
  • Property ownership.
  • Certificates from the police, State Emergency Service, management company, condominium, etc., confirming the fact and circumstances of the incident.
  • Act of independent examination or calculation of the cost of repair works.
  • Checks, receipts, etc., confirming the value of the damaged (destroyed) property.
  • Claims of victims (if available);
  • Court decision declaring you guilty of the incident and collecting compensation for the benefit of the victims (if any).


You can submit a written message and documents to the e-mail address [email protected]

PAYMENT of insurance compensation is carried out by the Insurer within 15 days from the date of receipt of all necessary documents.

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