Comprehensive liability insurance for carriers of dangerous goods



1. Object of Insurance

Liability of the Insured for damage caused to the injured third party or their property, as well as to the natural environment, as a result of negative consequences during the transportation of dangerous goods.


2. Insurance Risks and Limitations

Damage caused to the injured third party and/or their property, and the natural environment during the transportation of dangerous goods by the Insured. 

Insurance Limitations: None.


3. Minimum and Maximum Insurance Amount (Liability Limit):

The insurance amount per each full or partial ton of dangerous goods is determined depending on the class of the dangerous goods in the following amounts:

In non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens

Class of Dangerous Goods
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
110 70 100 70 70 120 80 100 60

4. Minimum and Maximum Insurance Premium and/or Insurance Rate

Minimum insurance rate: 0.009%

Maximum insurance rate: 0.5%


5. Type and Minimum and Maximum Deductible

Unconditional Deductible:

Minimum deductible: 1%

Maximum deductible: 1%

Charged for each insured event regarding a separate transportation, except for cases of compensation for damage caused to the life and/or health of the injured third parties, for which the deductible is not established.


6. Territory and Duration of the Insurance Contract (including information about the entry into force and insurance period)

Territory of action: Ukraine (except for the territory of active hostilities and territories temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation as determined by the Order of the Ministry for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories No. 309 dated December 22, 2022, "On the Approval of the List of Territories where Hostilities are (were) Conducted or Temporarily Occupied by the Russian Federation" or any amendments to it, as well as within a 50 km radius from these territories) and zones of combat operations, civil unrest, and areas where a special entry/exit regime is established. At the request of the Insured, the territory of action can be extended to the territories of the member countries of the "Green Card" international bureau (except for the Russian Federation and Belarus).

The contract is concluded for a period of up to 1 year.

The contract enters into force from the date specified in the contract but not earlier than the receipt of the insurance payment to the Insurer's current account.

Extension of the contract's duration is not possible.


7. Exclusions from Insurance Events and Grounds for Refusal of Insurance Payments

7.1. Events that are not considered insurance events:

7.1. The following are not considered insurance events, and the Insurer does not recognize as an insurance event an event that occurred as a result of:

7.1.1. Direct or indirect action of military and related risks and their consequences: war, invasion, hostile acts, or military actions (regardless of whether war was declared or not), military maneuvers, terrorist acts, civil war, strike or public unrest; insurrection, military or public uprising, riot, revolution, public unrest on a scale or with a number of participants that can be equated to an uprising, usurpation of power, imposition of military power or martial law or state of siege, or any event or cause resulting in the declaration of martial law or state of siege; any military maneuvers, exercises, or other military measures, actions of mines, torpedoes, bombs, and/or other instruments of war, explosive substances;

7.1.2. Direct or indirect action of a nuclear explosion, radiation, or radioactive contamination associated with any use of nuclear energy and the use of fissile materials.

7.2. Liability for damage caused to the injured third parties that arose during the transportation of dangerous goods is not covered:

7.2.1. That occurred outside the contract period or outside the transportation route specified in the Contract;

7.2.2. If the Insured (person whose liability is insured) was under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxication, or under the influence of medications that reduce attention and reaction speed;

7.2.3. If the Insured (person whose liability is insured) after causing damage to the injured third parties, left the scene of the incident without permission or refused to undergo a mandatory inspection for intoxication, or consumed alcohol, drugs, or medications made from them (except those included in the officially approved first aid kit or prescribed by a medical professional).

7.3. The Insurer does not reimburse any damage caused directly to the Insured.

7.4. The following are not subject to reimbursement:

7.4.1. Fines, penalties, and other sanctions;

7.4.2. Costs associated with compensating for moral damage, lost profits;

7.4.3. Damage caused by acts of force majeure.


8. Insurer's Liability Limits for Specific Insurance Objects, Insurance Risks, and/or Insurance Events, Groups of Insurance Risks, and/or Insurance Events, and Other Components of the Insurance Product

50% of the insurance sum per each separate transportation for compensation for damage caused to the life and health of the injured third parties;

30% of the insurance sum per each separate transportation for compensation for damage caused to the natural environment;

20% of the insurance sum per each separate transportation for compensation for damage caused to the property of the injured third parties.


9. Calculation Procedure and Conditions for Insurance Payments

9.1. The Insurer compensates for direct damage caused in connection with the occurrence of negative consequences during the transportation of dangerous goods to the life and health of individuals, the natural environment, and the property of individuals and legal entities that were in their possession or use at the time of the insured event.

9.2. In the event of an insured event, the insurance payment is made within the insurance sum per transportation (considering the volume of dangerous goods for one transportation and the insurance sum per one full/partial ton of dangerous goods) specified in the Contract.

9.3. Insurance payments are divided (insurance payments are made taking into account the non-taxable minimum income of citizens on the day of the Contract conclusion):

9.3.1. For compensation for damage caused to the life and health of injured third parties - 50% of the insurance sum per separate transportation (the insurance sum for damage caused to the life and health of injured third parties), including per one person, the insurance sum is established: In case of compensation for damage to the heirs of a person who died (passed away) as a result of the insured event - 500 non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens; In case of permanent loss of work capacity and the establishment of disability for the injured third party: Group I disability - 450 non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens; Group II disability - 375 non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens; Group III disability - 250 non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens. In case of temporary loss of work capacity by the injured third party - 1 (one) non-taxable minimum income of citizens for each day of temporary incapacity of the injured third party, but not more than 250 non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens for the entire period of temporary incapacity.

9.3.2. For compensation for damage caused to the natural environment - 30% of the insurance sum per separate transportation (the insurance sum for damage caused to the natural environment);

9.3.3. For compensation for damage caused to the property of injured third parties - 20% of the insurance sum per separate transportation (the insurance sum for damage caused to the property of injured third parties).

9.4. If insurance contracts are concluded with multiple insurers, the Insurer reimburses losses in an amount that does not exceed its share in the total sum of all insurance contracts.

9.5. The insurance payment (insurance compensation) is reduced by the amount of the deductible specified in the Contract.

9.6. The insurance payment (insurance compensation) is made in accordance with these General Conditions based on a claim from the recipient of the insurance compensation and an insurance act compiled by the Insurer.

9.7. The Insurer has the right to defer the decision to pay/refuse to pay insurance compensation in the following cases:

9.7.1. If law enforcement agencies have initiated criminal proceedings regarding the insured event and an investigation of the circumstances that led to the loss is ongoing — the decision period starts from the date of closure of the criminal proceedings, receipt by the Insurer of a court ruling (decision) that has entered into legal force, or the admission of guilt by the person whose liability is insured.

9.7.2. If the extent and nature of the damage do not correspond to the causes and circumstances of the insured event — until the actual amount of damage is determined (for the period of conducting an insurance investigation with written notification to the Insured of such a decision, but not more than 90 (ninety) calendar days from the date of receipt of the last of all necessary documents).

9.8. Within 10 (ten) working days from the date of receipt of all necessary documents and information about the circumstances of the insured event and the amount of damage, the Insurer makes a decision on the insurance compensation and compiles an insurance act or makes a decision to refuse insurance compensation or to postpone the decision-making process.

9.9. If a decision is made to pay insurance compensation, the payment is made within 10 (ten) working days from the date of compilation of the insurance act.

9.10. If a decision is made to refuse insurance compensation, the Insurer, within 3 (three) working days from the date of making such a decision, informs the Insured (Injured Third Party) in writing, providing reasons for the refusal.

9.11. The Insurer has the right to make the insurance compensation payment directly to the Injured Third Party (or their heir) or to enterprises, institutions, and organizations agreed with them that provide services for repairing damaged property, treating the Injured Third Party, and other services related to compensation for losses.

9.12. The Insured must ensure that the Injured Third Parties properly renounce their claims if insurance compensation is paid to the Injured Third Parties without a court decision upon written agreement with the Insurer.

9.13. In the event of insurance compensation, the insurance sum (the Insurer's liability limit) under the Contract is reduced by the amount of the compensation paid from the date of the insured event.


10. Possible Consequences for the Consumer in Case of Non-fulfillment of Obligations Defined by the Insurance Contract, Including Late Notification of Insurance Event without Valid Reasons and Late Payment of the Insurance Premium or Its Next Installment

Refusal to pay insurance compensation.


11. Information About the Possibility of Purchasing the Insurance Product Separately If Such a Product Is Offered Together with a Related and/or Additional Product, Work, or Service that is Not Insurance as Part of a Single Package or Contract

The product is not offered together with a related and/or additional product, work, or service that is not insurance as part of a single package or contract.


12. Conditions for Obtaining Discounts on the Insurance Product and Promotional Offers, Including the Terms of Their Validity

No discounts on the product. 

No promotional offers.


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