
8 May is the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation



8 May is the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation

Dear customers and partners! As we commemorate the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation, we remember the victims of the Second World War and once again realise the horrors of war. Let the memory of those events never fade, because only by knowing the truth about the past can we build a better future. A future where Ukraine will be strong and independent. Together with our defenders, we are doing everything possible to ensure that war never becomes a reality for future generations.

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Happy Easter!



Happy Easter!

Dear customers and partners! The bright Easter holiday brings us the Lord's grace, warms our hearts with warmth and fills them with love, faith and hope.

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Eurohold solidifies its good results in the third quarter



Eurohold solidifies its good results in the third quarter

One of the leading energy and financial group in Southeast Europe - Eurohold Bulgaria AD, continues to report good results in the condition of serious geopolitical and economic challenges in the region, shows the latest consolidated financial report for the nine months.

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Euroins took part in the German-Ukrainian Economic Forum



Euroins took part in the German-Ukrainian Economic Forum

The management of Euroins Ukraine took part in the 6th German-Ukrainian Economic Forum, which opened in Berlin on 24 October 2023. The company was represented by the Chairman of the Board Yanko Nikolov and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board Myroslav Boichyn.

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